Introduction to Kaggle API in Google Colab (Part-I)

This introductory article helps to prepare the google colab to use the kaggle api. Moreover, we will cover a couple of usages of kaggle-api, most importantly import data from kaggle. So let’s begin…

At first, create a jupyter notebook in the google colab and change the runtime to python3. After that follow the following simple steps to prepare the google colab to use Kaggle-API.

Prepare Google Colab for Kaggle-API

Install the Kaggle library in google colab instance.

!pip3 install kaggle

Kaggele API Authentication

We need to enable kaggle api authentication and the auth token file to interact with the kaggle api system. Follow the following steps to get the authentication:

  • Create an account or login in
  • After that go to My Account and click Create New API Token, which will download kaggle.json
  • Upload the kaggle.json file into any folder of google drive

Google drive authentication

In this step, we will retrieve the google drive authentication to use drive files(in this tutorial we will need this authentication to retrieve the kaggle.json file, which we uploaded in the previous steps). Open the authentication link, which you will get in the output, after executing the following code cell. Then copy the authentication code into the cell output’s input box and complete the authentication process.

from googleapiclient.discovery import builds
import io, os
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload
from google.colab import auth


Search the kaggle.json file from google drive and copied into ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

drive_service = build('drive', 'v3')
results = drive_service.files().list(
        q="name = 'kaggle.json'", fields="files(id)").execute()
kaggle_api_key = results.get('files', [])

filename = "/content/.kaggle/kaggle.json"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)

request = drive_service.files().get_media(fileId=kaggle_api_key[0]['id'])
fh = io.FileIO(filename, 'wb')
downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request)
done = False
while done is False:
    status, done = downloader.next_chunk()
    print("Download %d%%." % int(status.progress() * 100))
os.chmod(filename, 600)

In the google colab, the kaggle.json file needs to stored in the ~/kaggle directory. That’s why we need to copy the kaggle.json file into ~/.kaggle directory

!mkdir ~/.kaggle
!cp /content/.kaggle/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

Execute the following command to verify whether the kaggle.json is stored in the appropriate location: ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

ls ~/.kaggle

If the output of this command shows the kaggle.json file then we are ready to use the kaggle-cli API. The details of kaggle-cli are given here

Sample usages of kaggle-cli

Retrieve Kaggle Competitions List

!kaggle competitions list
ref                                              deadline             category            reward  teamCount  userHasEntered
-----------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------------
digit-recognizer                                 2030-01-01 00:00:00  Getting Started  Knowledge       2492           False
titanic                                          2030-01-01 00:00:00  Getting Started  Knowledge       9736           False
house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques      2030-01-01 00:00:00  Getting Started  Knowledge       4169           False
imagenet-object-localization-challenge           2029-12-31 07:00:00  Research         Knowledge         25           False
competitive-data-science-predict-future-sales    2019-01-01 23:59:00  Playground           Kudos       1440           False
ga-customer-revenue-prediction                   2018-11-15 23:59:00  Featured           $45,000        792            True
inclusive-images-challenge                       2018-11-05 23:59:00  Research           $25,000        264           False
rsna-pneumonia-detection-challenge               2018-10-24 23:59:00  Featured           $30,000        877            True
tgs-salt-identification-challenge                2018-10-19 23:59:00  Featured          $100,000       2647            True
airbus-ship-detection                            2018-10-04 23:59:00  Featured           $60,000        835           False
new-york-city-taxi-fare-prediction               2018-09-25 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge       1075           False
forest-cover-type-kernels-only                   2018-09-24 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge        335           False
demand-forecasting-kernels-only                  2018-09-24 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge        427           False
whats-cooking-kernels-only                       2018-09-24 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge        492           False
flavours-of-physics-kernels-only                 2018-09-24 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge         56           False
movie-review-sentiment-analysis-kernels-only     2018-09-24 23:59:00  Playground       Knowledge        377           False
costa-rican-household-poverty-prediction         2018-09-19 23:59:00  Playground            Swag        619           False
google-ai-open-images-object-detection-track     2018-08-30 23:59:00  Featured           $30,000        454           False
google-ai-open-images-visual-relationship-track  2018-08-30 23:59:00  Featured           $20,000        232           False
home-credit-default-risk                         2018-08-29 23:59:00  Featured           $70,000       7198           False

List Data Files in a Kaggle Competition

# -c: competition name
!kaggle competitions files -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space
name                              size  creationDate
-------------------------------  -----  -------------------
train-jpg.tar.7z                 600MB  2017-04-20 00:13:50
test-jpg.tar.7z                  603MB  2017-04-20 00:15:13
train-tif-v2.tar.7z               13GB  2017-05-06 06:13:24
test-tif-v2.tar.7z                19GB  2017-05-06 06:27:29
test-jpg-additional.tar.7z       304MB  2017-05-06 06:49:41
Kaggle-planet-test-tif.torrent     2MB  2017-05-06 06:54:37
Kaggle-planet-train-tif.torrent    1MB  2017-05-06 06:54:55     154KB  2017-05-09 03:01:24                 159KB  2017-05-09 03:01:24     110KB  2017-06-08 00:26:28

Show the leaderboard of a kaggle competitions

!kaggle competitions leaderboard planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -s
teamId  teamName                         submissionDate       score
------  -------------------------------  -------------------  -------
764901  SYSU CISLab                      2017-07-20 23:32:25  0.93448
776206  Russian Bears                    2017-07-20 23:34:32  0.93448
623630  Urucu                            2017-07-20 23:41:07  0.93443
623281  Plant                            2017-07-20 19:19:22  0.93431
647582  Team samogon                     2017-07-20 08:47:56  0.93422
744470  Clear Sky                        2017-07-20 19:51:39  0.93419
626431  Kyle                             2017-07-20 15:26:36  0.93412
741719                           2017-07-20 23:46:33  0.93408
624465  bestfitting                      2017-07-20 23:48:39  0.93398
623172                     2017-07-20 13:22:36  0.93392
624135  Moss                             2017-07-20 23:22:18  0.93386
757613  Daniel FG                        2017-07-20 23:56:03  0.93381
654347  🌴team-amazon-forest🌴             2017-07-20 08:21:17  0.93353
728947  CVFakers                         2017-07-20 23:05:50  0.93351
623222  dhammack                         2017-07-20 21:52:14  0.93349
783137  Eduardo Franco                   2017-07-20 19:42:02  0.93342
625451  YunYang                          2017-07-17 11:47:49  0.93342

Download Kaggle Competition Leaderboard

!kaggle competitions leaderboard planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -d

Download Dataset from Kaggle Competitions

In this article, we will download data from Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space

Please note that you must accept the terms and condition of that kaggle competitions to download data from any kaggle competition.

!mkdir ~/data
!cd ~/data
!mkdir planet
!cd planet
# -c: competition name
# -f: which file you want to download
# -p: path to where the file should be saved
!kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f train-jpg.tar.7z -p ~/data/planet/
!kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f test-jpg.tar.7z -p ~/data/planet/
!kaggle competitions download -c planet-understanding-the-amazon-from-space -f -p ~/data/planet/

Extract the datafiles

Install 7zip to extract the datafiles

!apt-get install p7zip-full
# Unzip the 7zip files
# -d: which file to un7zip
!p7zip -d ~/data/planet/test-jpg.tar.7z
!p7zip -d ~/data/planet/train-jpg.tar.7z
# Unzip the .tar files
!tabr -xvf ~/data/planet/test-jpg.tar
!tar -xvf ~/data/planet/train-jpg.tar
!unzip ~/data/planet/ -d ~/data/planet/
adc.json  planet/  sample_data/  test-jpg.tar  train-jpg.tar

In the first part of this kaggle API tutorial, we covered the basic usage of this API. In the next part, we will cover the advanced usages of kaggle API, such as submit a solution to a kaggle competition. Till then you can see the documentation of [kaggle-cli](The details of kaggle-cli is given here and try the different usage of kaggle-cli.

I write this tutorial by following a tutorial of Cory Kendrick on fastai course notebook, so a big thanks to Cory Kendrick.

If you have any comments or feedback regarding this articles or my writings, please don’t hesitate to share with me.